Items that are offered for consignment are reviewed and determined what auction is a good fit. Items are catalogued with descriptions & key words, professionally photographed and prepared for the auction. Once sold, the auction items are prepped and arranged for shipment. We will meet you at your home to review your project and put together a plan to fit your particular needs.
Items that sell at auction are reconciled within 45 days. Your items are part of a single consignor order life cycle beginning the date of your first auction. The second auction runs online only two weeks later. Consignor checks are issued thirty days following the second auction.
Items that don't sell, may be retrieved by their consignor within 30 days if so desired. Otherwise, these items will be donated to one of the local partner thrift stores. Consignors receive a tax deductible donation form to report these items along with their settlement checks.
We do auction donations for charity, and often together in mixed group lots. Items that arrive with estates that are damaged, or do not meet the threshold for auction, might be sold from the gallery floor on preview days or passed to local charity groups, elementary school fundraisers, local religious groups, or other partner charities as we are limited on space.
Moving consignments to the gallery is the responsibility of the consignor. LEC often helps by reserving our preferred team of bonded movers in a 16ft truck within a 20 mile radius. Alternatively, we receive deliveries of both donations and consignments weekdays between 10AM and 4:30PM with an appointment once items have been approved.
10300 West Olive Road, West Olive, Michigan 49460, United States